
I will help you lose weight
and keep it OFF!

by understanding What is metabolism

The secret is knowledge


Understanding what is  metabolism is the key to dropping those extra pounds, staying fit, and living a more balanced, healthier life.  


"Game-Changing Daily Habits: The Secret Sauce to a Happier, Healthier Lifestyle!"

What is Metabolism?


Get to know your body's groove—metabolism isn't just a fancy term; it's the powerhouse steering you towards a lively, balanced life. 

Coming from the Greek "meta," meaning movement, metabolism is the intricate cellular process that fuels your life and keeps you healthy.  Understanding your metabolism isn't just a neat trick; it's like having a secret weapon that guides your well-being decisions and keeps you pumped.

Life-Changing Reads:
6 Books that Transformed My Health and Well-being

The power of your metabolism
Problem free diabetes
Comer para Sanar
Your body's cry for water
The cure of all diseases
Your Body’s Many Cries for Water

What is Metabolism?

When you grasp how your body handles nutrients, you're in the driver's seat for making choices that match your unique needs. Think of it as your personal roadmap, helping you nail the diet and fitness game with a tailored approach to staying healthy. 

Remember, in the world of metabolism, the old saying "knowledge is power" really hits home. It's your ticket to a journey filled with health and balance.


So, what's the deal with

Althletic Woman

Metabolism encompasses the intricate chemical processes converting food into the energy required for bodily functions such as physical activity, temperature regulation, and essential processes like breathing and digestion.

Regular physical activity plays a crucial role in accelerating metabolism, underscoring the significance of maintaining an active lifestyle for overall metabolic health.

"When you look at nutrition from a purely scientific point of view, there is no place for consciousness. And yet, consciousness could be one of the crucial determinants of the metabolism of food itself".     Deepak Chopra

Human Organ

The energy expended during the digestion and assimilation of food is a critical factor, as certain foods require more energy for digestion, resulting in a temporary boost in metabolism.

However, external factors like chronic stress and insufficient sleep can have adverse effects on metabolism.

To promote optimal metabolic function and mitigate issues like obesity and diabetes, adopting a comprehensive approach involving regular exercise, a well-balanced diet, ensuring adequate water intake, getting enough sleep and effective stress management is imperative.

How much water should you drink daily?  

Take your weight in pounds, divide it by 16, and voilà — that's the secret formula to know exactly how many 8 oz glasses of water your body craves.  Sip, sip, hooray for staying hydrated and feeling your absolute best!"



Slow Metabolism

Metabolism Booster

My daily habits

Optimum Nutrition

The Secret of Nutrition

The 3x1 Diet

Detoxify Your Body




Wellness Store


The rock star of green juices!

The green Elixir

Packed with goodies like magnesium and potassium, this isn't just a sip – it's a gulp of pure awesome.  And get this, it's not just about giving your body a boost; rumor has it, it's got some serious mojo for better bedroom moves.  Yep, you heard it right – the Green Elixir might just be your not-so-secret weapon for top-notch performance.  So, grab a glass, raise it high, and let the good times roll.  Here's to feeling great and rocking it in every way possible!

Photo JC

Embark on the journey with me as I spill the secrets on how I boost my metabolism, shedding a remarkable 50 pounds and transforming my health along the way.

It's not just about losing weight; it's a tale of discovery, perseverance, and a few surprising tricks up my sleeve. 

From revved-up workouts and deliciously balanced meals to decoding the mysteries of metabolism, I'll guide you through the game-changing strategies that worked wonders for me.

Get ready to uncover the keys to a healthier, happier you, because this is more than a weight-loss journey – it's a lifestyle revolution!

Remember, though, that everyone's metabolism is unique, and it's crucial to consult with your doctor before embarking on any significant lifestyle changes. This journey is about finding what works for you, with the guidance of a trusted health professional by your side.

"Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins".                 Jim Rohn

Frank Suarez: Slow Metabolism

Frank Suarez is a mentor and expert in the fields of metabolism and obesity, recognized for his transformative books and impactful presence on YouTube and social media.   Beyond theoretical knowledge, he actively helps individuals regain control of their health, offering practical tips for addressing issues like obesity and diabetes.

Frank's impact is evident in the transformed lives and empowered individuals he has guided, making him not just a mentor but a catalyst for positive change in the realm of health and well-being.