Your Body’s Many Cries for Water

Your Body’s Many Cries for Water

In 1994, a mind-blowing revelation shook the very foundations of health – the discovery that water is not just for swimming or watering plants, but it can actually help you shed those pesky pounds and boost your energy levels. Dr. Badmangelidj, the unsung hero of hydration, spilled the aqua beans in his bestselling book, "Your Body’s Many Cries for Water."

Picture this: the human body is like a 65% water-filled wonderland, and our blood is practically running on a 94% water highway. It's like a liquid adventure, and without this aqua-licious elixir, life as we know it would be a desert of dehydration.

Photo JC

A few months ago, before reading Dr. Badmangelidj's book, I was basically living on sodas and fruit juices. Imagine waking up every morning feeling like your body was playing a not-so-pleasant tune of aches and pains – that was me.

And on top of that, my love life was a bit of a struggle. Let's just say maintaining any romantic moments felt like trying to juggle water balloons – not the easiest task.

But then, along came Dr. Badmangelidj, the water guru. Inspired by his wisdom, I decided to ditch the sodas and embrace the world of water.

Fast forward to today, and it's like a magic trick. I've got more energy than ever, and those morning pains? Poof, gone. And yes, the romantic part of my life? It's not just back on track; it's like a happy love song.

Your Body’s Many Cries for Water

Dr. Batmanghelidj found something big about water and our health. When we don't drink enough water, our body becomes too acidic and lacks oxygen. Oxygen is crucial for burning food and fat in our bodies.

Drinking sodas, juices, or coffee doesn't replace the need for water. Coffee acts like a diuretic, taking water out of our bodies. Juices, especially with lots of fruit sugar (fructose), can make us gain weight and turn into acid, using up our body's water.

If you're trying to lose weight, fruit juices might not be the best choice. Instead, Dr. Batmanghelidj suggests drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. This simple solution can give you more energy and help you avoid gaining weight just by looking at food. 

The power of your metabolism

I prefer Frank Suarez's formula, which involves dividing your body weight in pounds by 16. This calculation gives you the number of 8 oz glasses you should drink each day.   For instance, if you weigh 160 pounds, dividing 160 by 16 gives you 10 glasses of water (8 oz) to drink daily. Personally, since I weigh 170 lbs, I make sure to drink at least 11 glasses of water (8 oz).  Given that the glasses in my house are 16 ounces, I typically consume around 5.5 to 6 glasses of water each day.

Unfortunately, the importance of water hasn't been widely shared, maybe because it doesn't make as much money as selling medicines or fancy diet programs.

To check if you're dehydrated, look at the color of your urine. If it's dark, you might not be getting enough water. Also, a strong smell like chlorine could be a sign of dehydration. Dr. Batmanghelidj also found a connection between back pain and not having enough water. The discs in your spine need water, and when you're dehydrated, they can move around, causing back pain. Many people have found relief by drinking more water and cutting out sugary drinks.

Your body's cry for water

Dr. Batmanghelidj, found out some other cool stuff about how water impacts our health. Like, he talked about how staying hydrated might help prevent things like asthma, allergies, high blood pressure, and arthritis. He also said water is a big deal for our digestion – not having enough could lead to issues like indigestion and heartburn. And get this – he thought drinking enough water might act like a natural pain reliever and even help with mental stuff like stress and feeling down. Plus, he believed keeping hydrated could play a role in managing our weight by boosting metabolism. Now, not everyone agrees with everything he said, but it's good to know that sipping on water might have some pretty neat benefits for our health. Always smart to chat with your doc for the full scoop!

Water with ice

In my view, making water a daily companion has been a game-changer for my well-being. I've noticed increased energy, fewer aches, and an overall feeling of vitality. It's like a simple secret weapon for a healthier life. While everyone's different, sipping on water is an easy and impactful way to boost your health. Give it a try and see how it makes you feel! So, to all you fellow hydration fans, take it from me – drink up, stay hydrated, and let the good vibes flow!


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