My Daily habits

Metabolism Boosters: So, if you're looking boost your metabolism, it's all about embracing lifestyle vibes and making smart picks of what you eat. Please remember, everyone's body is like its own universe, so there's no one-size-fits-all game plan. Here, I share a few metabolism tricks that are doing wonders for me. Quick heads up, though – Always consult with your doctor before making significant changes.

Below are the strategies I employ daily to naturally boost my metabolic rate:

1- Education:

The power of your metabolism

"Knowledge is power."

Guess what? This book, 'The Power of Your Metabolism' by Frank Suarez, totally rocked my world when it comes to metabolism. Figuring out my nervous system type was like finding the secret sauce for boosting my metabolism.

The book is like a cool guide that helps you figure out your nervous system type and gives you awesome tips to supercharge your metabolism. I'm all about staying in the know when it comes to metabolism and health—it's like my secret weapon for making awesome choices and living my best life.

So, in 'The Power of Your Metabolism,' you're gonna dig into your nervous system type – whether it's passive or exited.  Armed with that info, you'll be making better choices about what you eat and how to crank up your metabolism.

Because seriously, knowledge is the name of the game when it comes to being the boss of your metabolism!

2- Hydration:


In the past, I overlooked the importance of proper hydration, relying on sodas and fruit juices. Now, I make a conscious effort to prioritize water intake, setting a goal of at least 11 glasses of 8 oz each day. To determine the suitable daily water intake, I calculate by dividing my weight in pounds by 16, aiming for the resulting number of 8 oz glasses for optimal hydration.

In the morning I enhance my water with a splash of lemon for digestion aid, vitamin C, and potassium, and a pinch of salt which helps maintain electrolyte balance. Recognizing its significance for overall health, including support for digestion, nutrient absorption, and temperature regulation, I understand that proper hydration is essential. It not only improves cognitive function, boosts energy levels, and promotes healthy skin but is also directly linked to one's weight-based water requirements.

Ensuring an adequate intake of water is paramount for maintaining optimal health. Water is essential for various bodily functions, including digestion, nutrient absorption, and temperature regulation. Staying properly hydrated supports the efficient transportation of nutrients and oxygen to cells, enhances cognitive function, and aids in the removal of waste products through urine.

Additionally, adequate hydration is crucial for joint lubrication, skin health, and the prevention of dehydration-related issues such as headaches and fatigue. By prioritizing regular water consumption, we promote overall well-being, boost energy levels, and contribute to the effective functioning of vital organs and systems within the body.  Water is indeed one of the most important metabolism boosters.

Your body's cry for water
Your Body’s Many Cries for Water

Dive into the eye-opening revelation of 'You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty'—a book that flips the script on health. It's a refreshing perspective that highlights the importance of hydration in the journey to well-being. Discover the transformative power of water and bid farewell to the misconception of sickness, embracing instead the vitality that comes with staying hydrated. Your body's ultimate remedy might just be a glass of water away.

3- the 3x1 Diet:

The 3x1 diet

I am currently adhering to Frank Suarez's "3x1 Diet," a structured nutritional approach designed to facilitate weight management and prevent certain diseases. The fundamental principle of this diet involves a strategic division of your plate into four parts, each assigned to specific food types. Frank Suarez classifies foods into two categories: Type A, which aids in weight loss, and Type E, which contributes to weight gain.

Type A foods, constituting approximately 75% of your plate, primarily include protein-rich foods and vegetables. This substantial portion plays a crucial role in delivering essential nutrients, fostering a sense of satiety, and promoting overall health. By incorporating a significant amount of these foods, the diet aims to support weight loss and general well-being.

The remaining 25% of your plate is designated for Type E foods, encompassing refined carbohydrates and sugars. The diet recommends limiting the intake of these foods to a quarter of your daily consumption. Type E foods, such as refined carbohydrates and sugars, should be approached with caution due to their association with weight gain.

Furthermore, the 3x1 Diet discourages excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates like rice, corn, wheat, and sugars. This caution is rooted in the potential for these carbohydrates to cause rapid spikes in blood glucose levels, prompting the pancreas to produce insulin. Such fluctuations can have adverse effects on health, underlining the importance of moderation and mindful choices within this dietary framework.

The type A foods are considered to be metabolism boosters.


4- The ultimate metabolism booster
the Green Elixir:

Green Juice

A daily green juice, that I call the "green elixir," comprising spinach, cucumber, celery, ginger, kale or lettuce, lemon, and a small green apple, provides essential nutrients. 

Cucumbers: with their high water content, aid in hydration and contribute to detoxification.

Spinach: rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like iron and calcium, boasts antioxidant properties that neutralize free radicals and support bone health.

Kale: a nutrient powerhouse with vitamins A, C, and K, along with minerals such as copper and manganese, also provides antioxidants for overall well-being.

Lettuce: depending on the type, offers vitamins A and K, as well as folate, and its significant water content contributes to hydration.

Ginger: containing vitamin C, potassium, and manganese, is renowned for its anti-inflammatory effects and digestive benefits.

Lastly, celery: a source of vitamins A, K, and C, along with minerals like potassium and folate, supports digestive health and may contribute to heart health by helping lower blood pressure.

Including these vegetables in your diet not only enhances nutritional intake but also promotes various aspects of your health, from hydration and digestion to antioxidant protection and bone strength.

Beyond its nutritional value, this juice has personally contributed to improved erectile function. 

Great metabolism boosters!


Engaging in a double dose of exhilaration, I find myself navigating the vibrant realms of both tennis and trampolining. These two contrasting yet equally invigorating activities have become integral parts of my life, offering a unique blend of physical fitness, mental stimulation, and pure enjoyment.

On the tennis court, the strategic dance between racket and ball provides a full-body workout. The lateral movements, sprints, and mental acuity required contribute to strength, endurance, and sharp decision-making. The social aspect adds a layer of camaraderie, making it a holistic experience.

Enter the trampoline—an airborne haven of joy.  Bouncing on this low-impact surface engages every muscle, promoting cardiovascular health and enhancing balance. Beyond its physical perks, trampolining serves as a stress-reliever, offering a meditative escape.

Click on the picture to buy it!

Stamina Fitness Trampoline

Together, tennis and trampolining create a harmonious blend of structured competition and carefree play. This dynamic combination elevates my fitness routine, bringing diversity, excitement, and a holistic sense of well-being. Whether conquering the court or soaring through the air, the benefits extend beyond the physical, embodying a love for movement and total wellness.

6- Eggs:

Incorporating at least 4 eggs into my daily diet provides essential nutrients, including high-quality protein, healthy fats, vitamins (A, D, B2, B12), minerals (iron, phosphorus, selenium, zinc), choline, and antioxidants (lutein and zeaxanthin).  A few advantages of eating eggs daily:

          -Supports Muscle Building: The protein content in eggs is beneficial for muscle maintenance and growth, making them a suitable choice for individuals engaged in physical activity or strength training.

          -Heart Health: Contrary to previous concerns, egg consumption is generally not associated with an increased risk of heart disease for most people. Eggs contain healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, which can contribute to heart health.

          -Eye Health: Eggs are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that support eye health and may help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

          -Weight Management: The protein and fat content in eggs can help promote a feeling of fullness, potentially aiding in weight management by reducing overall calorie intake.


7- Sun Bathing:


A 15-minute daily break in sunlight around 10 am offers numerous benefits, such as vitamin D synthesis, mood enhancement, improved sleep, boosted immune system, positive effects on skin health, and increased energy levels.  Devoting 15 minutes every day to bask in the sun has become a cherished ritual with a multitude of advantages.

Firstly, it serves as a natural source of Vitamin D, essential for bone health and immune function. This daily dose of sunlight not only elevates my mood by triggering the release of serotonin but also contributes to better sleep patterns by regulating my circadian rhythm.

The benefits extend to skin health, with moderate sun exposure supporting a radiant complexion and aiding in managing conditions like psoriasis and eczema. Beyond the physiological advantages, the brief period outdoors enhances my focus and productivity, providing a natural energy boost.

Moreover, the sun-soaked interlude acts as a stress-reduction strategy, offering a meditative break from the demands of daily life. It's a delicate balance, ensuring I reap the benefits of sunlight while practicing sun safety, creating a daily ritual that significantly contributes to my overall well-being and happiness.

The sun is a great metabolism booster.

8- Magnesium:

Nutrilite™ Cal Mag D

Every night at 6:00 PM, I consume 400 mg of magnesium. This routine is aimed at supporting various aspects of my well-being, including muscle function, energy production, bone health, heart health, nervous system function, blood sugar regulation, mood enhancement, migraine prevention, anti-inflammatory effects, immune system support, and relief from constipation.

Here are some potential advantages of taking magnesium as a metabolism booster:

  1. Muscle Function: Magnesium is involved in muscle contraction and relaxation. Adequate magnesium levels may help prevent muscle cramps and spasms.
  2. Bone Health: Magnesium contributes to bone formation and density. It works in conjunction with calcium and vitamin D to support overall bone health.
  3. Heart Health: Magnesium is important for maintaining a healthy heart rhythm and supporting blood vessel function. It may help regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Energy Production: Magnesium is a co-factor for enzymes involved in the body's energy production processes. It helps convert food into energy, supporting overall cellular function.
  5. Nervous System Function: Magnesium plays a role in the regulation of neurotransmitters, which are crucial for communication between nerve cells. It may contribute to a balanced nervous system.
  6. Blood Sugar Regulation: Magnesium helps insulin function properly and plays a role in glucose metabolism. Adequate magnesium levels may support healthy blood sugar levels.
  7. Mood and Mental Health: Some studies suggest that magnesium may have a positive impact on mood and may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  8. Sleep Support: Magnesium has been linked to improved sleep quality. It may help relax muscles and calm the nervous system, promoting better sleep.

Magnesium and potassium are huge metabolism boosters. 

Nutrilite™ Cal Mag D

9- Intermittent Fasting (IF):

One week per month, I adopt the 16/8 Method of intermittent fasting, consuming meals within an 8-hour period from 7 am to 3 pm. IF is an eating pattern that alternates between periods of eating and fasting, offering potential health benefits.

The 16/8 method of intermittent fasting (IF) is a popular form of time-restricted eating where you fast for 16 hours and limit your eating to an 8-hour window. 

Here's a breakdown of the 16/8 method:

16/8 Intermittent Fasting:Benefits of Intermittent Fasting:Considerations:

  1. Fasting Period (16 hours):During this time, you abstain from consuming calories. However, water, tea, and black coffee are generally allowed and encouraged to stay hydrated and help manage hunger.
  2. Eating Window (8 hours):You consume your daily meals within an 8-hour window. In your case, this is from 7 am to 3 pm.It's important to make nutritious food choices during this period to ensure you meet your nutritional needs.
  1. Weight Management:IF can be effective for weight loss as it often leads to a reduction in overall calorie intake.
  2. Improved Metabolism:Some studies suggest that IF may have positive effects on metabolic health.
  3. Insulin Sensitivity: IF may improve insulin sensitivity, potentially reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  4. Cellular Repair and Autophagy:Fasting periods may stimulate autophagy, a process in which cells remove damaged components, promoting cellular repair.
  5. Heart Health:IF might contribute to improved heart health by reducing risk factors like blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  6. Simplicity and Flexibility:IF can be relatively simple to follow and can easily fit into various lifestyles.
  1. Individual Variability:The effectiveness of IF can vary from person to person.
  2. Nutrient Intake:It's crucial to ensure that you're getting adequate nutrients during the eating window to support overall health.
  3. Listen to Your Body:Pay attention to how your body responds. If you feel fatigued or unwell, it's essential to reassess your approach.
  4. Consultation:Before starting any fasting regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.

Remember, intermittent fasting may not be suitable for everyone, and it's important to find an approach that aligns with your individual health goals and needs.

10- Coconut Oil:


Exclusively using coconut oil for cooking and incorporating it into my daily routine, such as oil pulling for oral health, provides advantages such as heart health, weight management, antimicrobial properties, skin and hair care, antioxidant content, brain health, blood sugar control, digestive health, and suitability for cooking and baking.

Incorporating coconut oil into your daily routine and exclusively using it for cooking offers a range of potential health benefits. Rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), coconut oil may positively impact heart health by raising HDL cholesterol and contribute to weight management by promoting a sense of fullness.

With antimicrobial properties, it supports immune function, while its application on the skin and hair provides moisture and nourishment. The antioxidant content in coconut oil helps combat oxidative stress, and studies suggest that the MCTs could offer cognitive benefits for brain health.  Additionally, coconut oil may contribute to blood sugar control, digestive health, and is suitable for various culinary uses, including oil pulling for oral health benefits.

Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which is believed to have antifungal properties. When converted to monolaurin in the body, it disrupts the cell membranes of Candida albicans yeast, potentially leading to its elimination. While research is ongoing, incorporating coconut oil into one's routine may be considered as a natural approach to address Candida-related concerns.

11- Practice Gratitude:

Each morning, I practice gratitude, consciously appreciating positive aspects of life. This simple yet powerful habit contributes significantly to mental and emotional well-being.  It involves recognizing the positive aspects of your experiences, relationships, and circumstances, even in the midst of challenges or difficulties.   I start my day by reflecting on three things I'm grateful for. They could be simple pleasures, moments of joy, or the support of my loved ones. This sets a positive tone for my day ahead and is a great metabolism booster.  

Gratitude fosters resilience by helping you focus on your strengths and resources during difficult times. It encourages a perspective that acknowledges both challenges and opportunities for growth.   It can act as a buffer against stress. By recognizing and appreciating the good in your life, you may find it easier to cope with challenges.   Stress can have significant effects on metabolism, influencing various physiological processes in the body.  Stress triggers the release of cortisol which may contribute to insulin resistance, disrupting the body's ability to regulate blood sugar effectively and contribute to the accumulation of visceral fat.

12-Apple Cider Vinegar

As part of a newfound commitment to enhancing health and well-being, I've decided to incorporate two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) into my daily routine. This small but significant addition promises a range of potential benefits, including improved digestion, weight management support, blood sugar regulation, heart health promotion, and even antimicrobial properties.

By integrating ACV into my daily habits, I aim to take proactive steps towards optimizing my overall health and vitality. However, I understand the importance of moderation and dilution with water to prevent potential side effects. I look forward to experiencing the potential positive impact that this simple addition can have on my daily life.


All these habits that I have developed are metabolism boosters.  Since I'm a work in process I will definitely add more metabolism boosters habits to my daily routine .