Horsepower to Health:
Galloping Through Life with Jean Claude Fanini's Metabolic Makeover

        Jean Claude Fanini



I'm Jean Claude Fanini (JC), originally from Haiti, but I've spent the last 18 years building a home in the Dominican Republic.

Married with 4 kids, my life's journey has been a wild ride, filled with challenges turned into opportunities on both sides of the Hispaniola island, and let me assure you, it has been far from ordinary.

In the past, I wrestled with the challenges of being overweight, tipping the scales at a staggering 220 pounds. 

It wasn't just the number on the scale that bothered me; it was the high blood pressure, the aches, and the diminishing libido. I was on the edge of impotence, and that's no fun.

Enter "The Power of Your Metabolism" by Frank Suarez – a book that became my game-changer, my light at the end of the tunnel. This book kicked off a transformation that I never saw coming.

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The power of your metabolism

Motivated by Suarez's wisdom, I took charge of my life, shedding 50 pounds and achieving a healthier weight of 170. It wasn't just about losing weight; I embraced an active lifestyle, diving into things like tennis and, of course, my true love – horse riding.  There's nothing like the wind in your hair as you gallop through the fields.

This transformation went beyond the surface; it permeated every aspect of my life. I felt a surge in energy, vitality, and a whole new lease on life. Even my romantic life did a 180 from the struggles I faced earlier.

Inspired by my journey, I began living by the principles from "The Power of Your Metabolism." Hydration became my best friend, the 3x1 diet was my jam, and I added magnesium, potassium supplements, and a daily green juice to the mix.


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Nutrilite™ Cal Mag D

Sure, I still have to manage my hypertension with some meds, but the dosage took a nosedive. Today, my blood pressure is in the normal range, thanks to the changes I made.

Grateful for the positive turnaround, I'm on a mission to share my story with the world. I want to inspire others to take charge of their well-being armed with the knowledge that reshaped my destiny. It's all about reclaiming control over your health, showing that change is not just possible but can totally transform your life.

Now, let me make this clear – I'm no doctor. I'm exploring the world of metabolism and health, drawing inspiration from Suarez's book. But here's the deal: I advocate for making responsible health choices and stress the importance of talking to qualified medical professionals. Everyone's health journey is different, and decisions about diet, exercise, and meds should be made with pros who understand your history and current condition.


My story is a wake-up call for change, but always consult the pros for a safe and effective approach to your well-being.

In my daily routine, I, Jean Claude Fanini, adhere to a series of structured habits designed to optimize my overall well-being.

As a fervent advocate for continual learning, I devote considerable time to acquiring knowledge about metabolism and health, recognizing the pivotal role such insights play in fostering a nuanced understanding of physiological processes.

Hydration is a fundamental cornerstone of my routine, with water serving as indispensable throughout the day.

Complementing this, the 3x1 diet regimen governs my nutritional intake, striking a harmonious balance between taste and dietary equilibrium.

Water with ice

Physical activity, characterized by engagements in tennis, horse riding, and sunlit jogging sessions, embodies an essential facet of my routine, aligning with the philosophy of a proactive and health-conscious lifestyle.

A distinctive facet of my morning ritual is the consumption of a nutrient-rich green juice, casually referred to as the "green elixir," giving my mornings a refreshing kickstart of good vibes.

Also, I'm big on magnesium supplements every day, boosting the whole health game and keeping me on the up-and-up.

Throwing some eggs into my daily eats is all about getting that protein punch, keeping my energy on a steady roll all day long.

Sun logo

Plus, coconut oil is my kitchen superhero – not just for cooking but also as a key player in my dental care routine as a mouthwash.

Soaking up some sun is also on my agenda, done smartly to snag that vitamin D boost and sprinkle a bit of good vibes on my overall vitality.

As the day winds down, I'm all about that chill time – reflecting, feeling grateful – it's like my nightly ritual to wrap up the day with a mindful vibe.

These little habits? They're my secret sauce for keeping life balanced and on the healthy track.

My Family

(At the time of the picture, my wife and I had just started our journey to a healthier lifestyle.)


I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.

Joyce Meyer