I am Grateful:
How Being Grateful Makes me Feel Better!


Life can get pretty overwhelming at times, right? With all the things we juggle – work, relationships, and daily hassles – stress often becomes a constant companion.

But what if I told you there's a simple way to kick stress to the curb? It's called gratitude. Taking a moment to appreciate the good things in your life can work wonders, and one of its superpowers is stress reduction.

  • I am grateful for my health and the ability to start each day with a fresh perspective.
  • I'm grateful for the support of my family, who stands by me through thick and thin.

Stress, the Sneaky Villain!

When you're stressed, your body goes into a "fight or flight" mode, triggering the release of stress hormones, with cortisol being a key player. Cortisol is often referred to as the "stress hormone" because its levels rise in response to stress.

Now, here's where the weight gain connection comes in:

  • Increased Appetite: Cortisol stimulates the release of insulin, which in turn leads to a drop in blood sugar levels. This drop signals the brain that you need more energy, specifically in the form of glucose. Consequently, you start to crave sugary and fatty foods to quickly replenish these energy stores.
  • Storage of Fat: Cortisol also plays a role in fat metabolism. It encourages the storage of fat, particularly around the abdominal area. This is part of the body's evolutionary response to stress – storing energy for potential future threats. Unfortunately, in our modern, often chronic stress-filled lives, this can contribute to weight gain over time.
  • Metabolism Impact: Chronic stress can lead to consistently elevated cortisol levels, which may disrupt the body's metabolism. Over time, this disruption can contribute to insulin resistance, where cells become less responsive to insulin, potentially leading to increased fat storage and higher blood sugar levels.
  • Cravings and Emotional Eating: Cortisol influences the brain regions responsible for controlling mood and motivation. Elevated cortisol levels can lead to increased cravings, especially for comfort foods that are high in calories, sugars, and fats. This emotional eating response can contribute to overeating and weight gain.

I am grateful:
Gratitude as my Stress Shield!

I've learned that counting my blessings is like a secret weapon against stress. It's my go-to move to stay positive and find some calm, even when things get tricky.

  • I am grateful for the lessons learned from both successes and failures, contributing to my personal growth.
  • I'm grateful for the genuine laughter and shared moments of joy with my closest friends.

Gratitude is like your emotional cool-down exercise. It helps you handle tough feelings better. Regularly practicing gratitude gives you the power to manage your emotions, so stress doesn't hit you as hard. It's like having a secret weapon to keep your cool in stressful situations.

Health: The Awesome Prize:

Now, let's talk about the best prize – your health! Being thankful and having less stress is like the key to unlock a treasure chest. When you're grateful and not too stressed, your body feels strong, and your mind feels happy. It's like a secret potion that keeps you feeling good.

Wanna be a gratitude expert? Well, grab your cool diary – a gratitude journal! Write down three things you're thankful for every day. It could be your family, a tasty snack, or a cool game. As you fill your diary with thankfulness, you'll see stress running away like it's scared.

Gratitude isn't just a feel-good word; it actually does something to your brain. When you express gratitude, your brain releases chemicals like dopamine and serotonin – the ones that make you feel happy. It's like a natural stress-relief button for your brain, helping you stay calm and content.

  • I am grateful for the freedom to dream, the courage to pursue those dreams, and the resilience to overcome challenges along the way.
  • I'm grateful for the warmth and comfort of my home, providing a safe haven in the midst of life's storms.

Stress, cortisol, and weight gain are like a trio that we need to keep an eye on. Being aware of how stress affects our bodies and taking steps to manage it can make a big difference in maintaining a healthy weight and a healthy life. So, next time stress knocks on your door, show it the way out with some relaxation techniques, healthier habits and  expressing gratitude!

So, there you have it – gratitude is your stress-busting sidekick. It's not about being overly polite; it's about giving yourself a break. Embracing gratitude isn't just a trend; it's a way to make your mind strong and stress-resistant. Next time life feels like a roller coaster, take a moment, appreciate the good, and let gratitude be your guide to a calmer, happier you.

  • I'm grateful for the little luxuries of life, like a cup of hot coffee in the morning or a quiet moment with a good book.
  • I'm grateful for the chance to make a positive impact, whether through acts of kindness or paying it forward to others.
Photo JC





  • I'm grateful for the kindness of strangers, whose random acts of generosity make the world a brighter place.
  • I am grateful for the guidance and wisdom that the divine provides, shaping my understanding of life's purpose.