Do you want to know the secret of Nutrition?

Unleashing the secrets of nutrition

Embarking on the exciting journey of unleashing the secrets of nutrition is like discovering the hidden treasures that can boost your well-being and energize your life.  Nutrition, simply put, is the fuel that powers our bodies, and understanding its secrets is key to a healthier, happier you.

Think of it as peeling back the curtain on a fascinating world where the food you eat isn't just about satisfying hunger but plays a crucial role in how your body functions.


 It's like having a secret code to unlock energy, vitality, and a balanced life.

Picture this: your body is a complex machine, and the food you choose is the fuel that keeps it running smoothly. Just like a car needs the right kind of fuel to perform optimally, your body thrives when you feed it the right nutrients.

So, what's the secret sauce?


In my personal journey of unleashing the Secrets of Nutrition, I've embraced a unique approach to diet that aligns with my lifestyle. Following the 3x1 diet, inspired by Frank Suarez's book, "The Power of Your Metabolism," has been my nutritional secret.

This distinctive diet revolves around two food groups: Type A, comprising wholesome and nourishing foods, and Type E, consisting of items that are typically associated with weight gain. 

The 3x1 diet

The essence lies in striking a balance by consuming 3/4 of Type A foods and 1/4 of Type E foods.

Type A foods, which form the backbone of my diet, include red meat, chicken, turkey, fish, seafood, eggs, cheese, vegetables, vegetable juices, salads, almonds, and walnuts. These nutrient-dense options not only provide essential proteins and fats but also contribute to overall well-being.

On the flip side, Type E foods, such as bread, pasta, flour, rice, plantains, potatoes, tubers, cereals, sugar, sweets, chocolate, milk, fruit juices, and sodas, are limited to a smaller portion within the 3x1 ratio. This conscious choice helps in regulating calorie intake and avoiding the potential pitfalls associated with refined carbohydrates and sugars.


THE ONGOING QUEST: Unleashing the Secrets of Nutrition

Green Juice

Adding a personal touch to my daily routine, I kickstart my mornings with a miracle green juice. This invigorating drink not only aligns with my low-carb approach but also serves as a nutrient-packed elixir to fuel my day.

This tailored nutritional strategy, blending the principles of the 3x1 diet with personalized choices like the green juice, has become a cornerstone of my metabolic well-being. It goes beyond just dietary choices; it's a lifestyle that reflects my commitment to a vibrant and balanced life.

Water with ice

Swapping out sugary drinks like fruit juices and sodas for good ol' water is a game-changer for your health. Water is like the superhero of beverages – it keeps you hydrated without any added sugars or calories.

Think of it as the secret elixir that fuels your body, aids digestion, and keeps your skin looking fresh.

Unlike sodas and fruit juices that can pack on unnecessary calories and leave you craving more, water is a clean and budget-friendly choice that sets a positive tone for your day. Making this small switch is like giving your body a gift – a refreshing step towards a healthier and happier you. Cheers to choosing water as your go-to thirst quencher!

Incorporating a pinch of salt and a splash of lemon into my daily water routine has become a refreshing ritual in my daily life.

Each morning, as I kickstart my day, and every evening, as I wind down, this simple addition brings a burst of flavor and potential health benefits to my hydration routine. The pinch of salt subtly supports electrolyte balance, particularly beneficial at the start of the day or after a day's activities.

Meanwhile, the lemon not only adds a zesty twist but also contributes vitamin C and antioxidants to my daily intake. This personalized touch not only makes staying hydrated a more enjoyable experience but also adds a unique and healthful element to my daily routine.

Here's to sipping on wellness  throughout the day!

Nutrilite™ Cal Mag D

Two of the most important essential minerals are Magnesium and Potassium with crucial roles in maintaining overall health. Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, playing a key role in muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and bone health. It also contributes to energy production and supports a healthy immune system. 


Potassium, on the other hand, is vital for maintaining proper heart and muscle function, regulating fluid balance, and promoting nerve transmission.

Both minerals help balance electrolytes, supporting cardiovascular health and preventing muscle cramps.  Ensuring an adequate intake of magnesium and potassium through a balanced diet is fundamental for optimal bodily functions and overall well-being.


Furthermore, I've made coconut oil a daily hero in my routine – cooking with it adds a nice tropical touch to my dishes, thanks to its light flavor and high smoke point. Plus, I've discovered a simple trick for oral care: using coconut oil as a mouthwash. A quick swish in the morning leaves my breath fresh, and it feels great on my gums and teeth. It's a small change, but it's made a big difference in both my cooking and daily oral care routine.

Photo JC

By integrating these insights into my everyday choices, I celebrate the marvel of my body's metabolism, acknowledging its uniqueness and nurturing it with a combination of carefully selected foods. It's not merely a regimen; it's my personal formula for vitality and health, adding a touch of individuality to the broader canvas of metabolic well-being.